Morning Calm

I went for a bike ride this morning at about 4:30 am. I hadn't intended on riding at this hour but I didn't really have much of a choice. Earlier in the week, I volunteered to set up flags marking out a race course for a run. I spent the evening last night visiting with some wonderful friends and eating delicious home-cooked food, so the night came and went and I still had not set up the race course. I set out bright and early today to get it marked before the start time. Before the ride, I was definitely not looking forward to it. But, I was pleasantly surprised! The ride was along the Chester Creek trail, a paved trail through the woods and it was so peaceful out there. I had expected things to be deathly quiet at this hour but the trees were busy and filled with birds singing their morning songs. The air was cool and crisp making the ride actually refreshing. I have been on this particular trail many times and it is usually occupied by many other bikers, runners, and walkers. This time, there were birds chirping, rabbits hopping along the trail, and ducks and geese gliding smoothly across the glassy ponds. Do you have  mornings when you wake up much earlier than you need to and have more than enough time to get ready for your day? I have these once in a while and I go into a state of "waking up" that is really quite enjoyable. I have these mornings when I am up extra early before everyone else in my house. I like to leave all the lights off and eat breakfast in the dark. Sometimes I shower in the dark and get dressed in the dark too. I take my time and let my body and mind slowly awake and prepare for the coming day. I love these mornings. Today on my ride, I felt as though all the animals I saw were having one of these mornings. They seemed relaxed and not startled by my presence. As I biked by, a rabbit paused to look me right in the eye. It was not a wide-eyed fearful stare but a "Good morning, hope you are enjoying the birds' songs" look. Yeah, a rabbit :) Riding along the trail stopping periodically to place bright orange flags in the ground, I had an overwhelming feeling of excitement for my upcoming bike trip and the many opportunities there will be to enjoy more calm mornings like this.

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