Dance Camp 2012

Over Memorial weekend, I had the most relaxing time enjoying great live music and dance, wonderful people, beautiful views of King's Lake and the Chugach mountains, and some very delicious food prepared by Chef Steve and Jason. The Dancing Bears are a nonprofit organization promoting traditional music and dance in Alaska. Their annual dance camp just celebrated it's 31st camp (it was my 2nd). It is a great atmosphere at the camp and contra dancers are some of the friendliest people I know. We had guest bands and callers from out of state as well as some of Alaska's best musicians and dancers. Dancers come from all around Alaska for the weekend camp and some even travel up from the lower 48 to enjoy the Alaska scenery and great dance. This year the weather was a little cloudy and partly rainy. I really don't mind the rain though and besides, when there isn't sun to enjoy, there is always dance! Over the weekend I danced and talked with old friends and made new friends. The Dancing bears hold dances throughout the winter season so the Dance Camp is sort of a final hurrah before the summer season when dances happen less often. I don't see many of the people here outside of the regular dances. When we're together we talk about life and what things keep us busy when we're not out dancing or playing music. It is so neat to see so many people from different walks of life coming together with a common interest like dancing. Throughout the weekend, I told a lot of people about my summer plans for the Justice Ride. I was continually encouraged by their responses. I felt that people were genuinely interested in the ride and in IJM. Not only that, but they were full of advice about places to visit along the way, where I could find contra dances, and people they know who I could stay with as I pass through. Thank you Bears!

Looking over King's Lake from my lakeside camp spot.

Watching the sunrise on King's Lake with Elaine while the Dancing Bears sleep.

Thank you Elaine for the beautiful pictures and thank you Dancing Bears for putting on such a wonderful event! 

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