Flight 1 of 3 Finished!

June 8
I made it to Denver, CO this morning! Getting all my gear packed into my panniers (bike bags) was a bit of a challenge. I feel like I have a lot of gear when in reality it's quite minimal. Considering I have my tent, sleeping bag, rain gear, bike clothes, spare bike parts, tools, camp stove, toiletries, First Aid, and a few other odds and ends all packed into 4 panniers and weighing just over 40 lbs, I think I'm doing ok.

Figuring out how to get my bike to Montreal last minute turned out to be a little more than complicated. Thanks to a full-on team effort by my mom and sister Amy, we got it packed in a child's bed box and FedExed it just a couple of hours before my flight. My bike should arrive in Montreal shortly after I do. Hopefully in one piece.

Before packing my bike up I took it on its maiden voyage fully loaded down. It was a short ride to the University from my house to say bye to some friends and co-workers. It was a smooth ride with no major issues. It's a bit different to pedal a 90+ lbs bike and gear compared to my 23 lbs road bike that I usually ride.

I'm waiting in the Denver airport now for a couple friends from Alaska to arrive. On Sunday, the 3 of us are going to do a Tough Mudder obstacle course race. After that I will visit some cousins in the area and fly to Montreal on the 16th. The Tough Mudder is a 10-11 mile race course with 25 military style obstacles. There is a website with more information if you're interested. Looks like fun. I will update everyone after my race.

Even though I haven't started biking yet, there has been no shortage of adventures. I want to thank all my friends and family who have encouraged and supported me so far.

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