Colorado Adventures

Avon, Colorado is a beautiful place! I spent last weekend there with my two Alaska friends Paul and Michael. We had a fun time together hiking around the area and completing the Tough Mudder race Sunday morning. Michaels parents from Alaska and his brother from Durango came to cheer us on as we tackled the obstacles over the 12 mile course. Running the race around 10,000 feet was a little difficult but we all did great and had a ton of fun doing it. It is quite the event with some 12,000 competitors.

Michael headed down to Durango with his family to get ready for his brothers wedding and Paul flew back home Tuesday. I'm in Denver now until Saturday when I fly to Montreal. I'm staying with my cousins and it has been really nice so far. Wednesday, my cousin Jay and I climbed our first 14er (mountain over 14,000 feet)! We actually made it up 2. Torreys and Greys peak. Both mountains are right around 14,200 feet. We had a great time and beautiful weather. This was my first experience that high up and I felt pretty good. We were both a little winded towards the top but we made good time.

View of Torreys (Right) and Greys (Left)

Justice Ride tshirt made by my friend Matt and a view from Torrey's ridge

On our way to Greys peak, looking back to where we came from (Torreys)

View of the valley from the saddle between Greys and Torreys

Jay and I at the top of Torreys Peak. Our first 14er!

Top of Greys

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