I'm in Asheville, NC today. It has been a very eventful and enjoyable time since I last posted a message here. I spent a few days visiting Washington DC where I also got to visit the International Justice Mission's headquarters! I met some very nice people there. L gave me a tour of the building and told me about IJM's beginnings. She was very kind and I enjoyed talking with her. After leaving DC, my next destination was to get on the Blue Ridge Parkway and follow it down to Asheville, NC. The Blue Ridge Parkway was a nice change from the congested, crazy, city streets I've been on mostly from Boston to DC. The Parkway is closed to commercial vehicles so even if there is a lot of traffic, there are no semi-trucks zooming by. I'd been warned a few times before getting to the Parkway that it is very hilly. Now I know what they were talking about. It seems to climb endlessly. Long, gradual uphills are pretty taxing mentally. I thought maybe it was just my imagination that I had been biking uphill for what seemed like an entire 8 hour day, until I ran into two other cyclists. They felt the same way. After climbing for so long, I felt like the next sign would say "Elevation: 10,000ft", but instead it was usually closer to 2000-3000. Haha what a ride! I saw lots of deer on the Parkway and moving at such a slow pace uphill, I got to really enjoy the butterflies in the air and the little bugs attempting to cross the street. There is something neat about pedaling for such a long time and at such a slow pace. Well as long as you're not in a hurry to get anywhere ;)

Once again I have been blessed by the generosity and hospitality of strangers. In Floyd, VA, JC took me in and gave me a bed and a shower. I had a blast with him and his family. I also got to attend a little girls birthday party where I met some more friendly people. Just outside Jefferson, NC I met BB who also took me in graciously. I learned a lot about making models from BB. He has a pretty awesome diorama of a 1937 pickup truck he made. After that I visited some dear friends near Boone, NC who opened up there home to me and let me rest. There is also DW in Boone. I believe God is in control of everything and He was definitely in control when He brought DW and I together.  DW is a sweet old man and my friend. We just spent the afternoon together, but we became fast friends and I hope we can spend time together again soon. In Spruce Pine, I met J at a restaurant. He also gave me a bed and a shower. And now in Asheville, I am staying with AD who I contacted via couchcurfing.com. She has been very kind and I've enjoyed getting to know her and her roommate A.

I realize that as you read my blog, you don't know any of the people I am talking about. I think what is important and the reason I'm telling about all these people I've met is to encourage you. There are so many wonderful people willing to help out a complete stranger. I experience this daily. I've been learning that a friend can come from anywhere. I've experienced kindness from the rich, the poor, old, young, country folk, city people, gay, and straight. I believe God calls us to love one another. Human trafficking is just one example of people who are in need of a friend. As I continue towards Orlando, I encourage you to donate to this cause if you feel led. While I am providing the leg power to get to Orlando, it has been the kindness of friends (new and old) that has been supporting me and motivating me this far. I've reached the last 2 weeks of this trip but it is still not over.

Thank you all for your continued support and encouragement!!


  1. God is with you alright!!! Bur you also have an aura that attracts good and kind people. The end of your travelling is getting near! Must be exciting for you to realize that you're getting to the finish point! Enjoy these moments and cherish them in your memories so you can tell all about them to the little children in your future classes!! I hope my little kid will get to meet you one day!! Take care and post soon! xoxox

  2. By the way: Google says 53 hours of biking to go or 620 miles, until your in Orlando!!! Go Adam Gooooo!!! :)

  3. I love your people stories connecting with them is the best &most important part of your journey. I hear you about the hills... & with humid heat it's got to be harder. I think & pray for you often dear Adam. Luv ya- Aunt Judith

  4. Great dancing with you Thursday night!

  5. Adam I love your blogs! So glad you get to experience all that you have... it will be a blessing all your life. I still have wonderful flashbacks of the wonderful,kind & interesting people I met some 23 years ago.
