Heading through PA, on my way to Washington DC

Stopped to visit the President. He was busy so I told him we could get lunch another time ;)

I met some wonderful people in the IJM office. I'm so happy to be riding for them and supporting their work! Thank you IJM!!

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People often want to see my watch tan line. It's funny to meet some random person and one of the first things they say is, "can you take off your watch for a second?"

I haven't had too many hills since the Gaspe peninsula in Quebec. The Blue Ridge Parkway has definitely made up for it!

It has been mostly foggy and cloudy on the BRP, but it is still beautiful

Eating breakfast and enjoying a nice relaxing day off. Thank you Cyndi for opening up your home to me!

Boone, NC This little boutique is raising money for IJM! I was so happy and encouraged to stop by and say hello

Biking the Viaduct along the BRP. Todd took these wonderful photos! I learned that the man who owned this section of land would not let the builders of the BRP cut into the mountain side so they had to build the Viaduct to connect the Parkway through this part. Very cool!

Just before arriving in Asheville I had the long climb over Mt. Mitchell. Very slow going and really foggy but still a beautiful ride.

1 comment:

  1. ADAM! It is so encouraging to hear about your travels! I am glad that you are having a good time on your way to Orlando. Im glad your not having trouble finding places to stay on your way there too! Luckily people are taken in by your warm open smile! Be safe!
    Amanda Forrest
