I'm on the home stretch now! I'm in Savannah, GA now. There has definitely been a noticeable temperature and vegetation change coming from the Blue Ridge mountains just a week ago. It's hard to believe I'm just 5 days away from flying back home to Alaska. I've had so many new experiences in the last couple months and I have met so many new people and seen new places. I think it will take a few days to unpack this trip once I get home. Just about 400 more miles and I'll be hanging out waiting to catch a plane home. In just one day of flying, I'll cover almost twice the distance I've spent 2 months biking.

I had a really nice time in Asheville and stayed with a couple very hospitable people I met via couchsurfing.org. Planning to stay just one day and 2 nights I ended up being there for 3 nights. I got to go to a contra dance there which was super fun! I do some contra back in Alaska, so it was fun to try it over here on the east coast where it's much more popular. I actually knew the caller from the 2012 Dance Camp I went to earlier this year during Memorial day weekend in Wasilla, AK. I left the morning after the dance and biked to Greenville where I was connected with another great group of guys. I spent a day there making some new friends and enjoying the little city. ED from Greenville put me in touch with pastor JL and his wife in Colombia who welcomed me with open arms. From there I made the ride to Charleston where I met another great group of people and some very hospitable hosts. I have had been connected with a good group of people in the last few cities. They have worked together to host me as I pass through and have also put me in touch with some more friends here in Savannah. There has been a real sense of community and an overall desire to help someone they've never met (me). I am grateful for everyone's generosity. It has been a blessing to meet some young, Godly people who have encouraged me and supported me even though our time together was short. I've heard a few times recently from different people that it is the people who make a place. I've known this a little bit, but I'm being reminded and learning more about what that actually looks like.

I've been a head of schedule for most of this trip, but I am finally able to judge exactly how many days I have left of biking and how many I have off. It's been nice because I have had time to spend a few more days visiting with new friends in the last couple weeks of the bike ride. Between Charleston and Savannah, I had time to detour to the Seabrook Islands and spend some time on the beach with CS. Thank you CS for letting me share in your vacation for a couple days!

After a couple days here in Savannah, I'm going to hit the road tomorrow morning for Brunswick, then to St Augustine, and Orlando with probably one stop somewhere between.

Thank you everyone who has been praying for me and my safety on this trip. Thank you also to everyone who has supported IJM either through a monetary donation or by housing and feeding me as I biked through your neighborhood. I could not have made it this far if it wasn't for the help and support of the people around me. I'm still trying to raise just over $3000.00 more to reach my $10,000 goal. If you have been thinking about donating but have not done so yet, I encourage you to do it soon. The donation page linked to my blog is only available until September 10. After that you can still donate to IJM but it will have to be by other means. To all my friends I've met along this bike trip, I look forward to staying in touch and maybe seeing you somewhere down the road. To everyone back in Alaska... I'll see you soon!

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