I left NYC just a couple days ago. I'm spending the night just north of Baltimore, MD tonight. Last night I stayed with L and M and their daughter A outside of Philadelphia. They are a wonderful family and were very gracious to put me up for the night. I slept so well, it was difficult getting out of bed this morning. Today I made the ride from their home to where I am now (N of Baltimore). It was mostly cloudy today but so humid! I was just soaked most of the day with sweat. I've got 3 water bottles and I filled them up at just about every gas station I passed (at least it felt like it). I would fill them with ice and in less than 20 minutes they were already all water and getting warm. I stopped on the side of the road to check my map and see where my next turn would be (which is a frequent occurance). While I stood there, a young man from a stand selling corn ran over with an ice cold bottle of water. "Here I thought you might like to have this" he said. I went over to the stand and chatted with him and the two other girls with him. They were all very friendly and I enjoyed the short conversation and company. Further down the road I went into a Safeway to buy dinner. Here I met R in one of the food isles. After a short chit chat, he offered his backyard for me to tent in. He gave me directions to his home and left. On my way out of the store, I met J in the checkout line. We met up again outside the store and talked for a while about cycle touring. He had done a trans-America trip with a couple friends before so we had a few pieces of advice and stories to share with each other. J was very kind and with more time, I think we would become good friends. Once I got to R's house, I was kindly greeted at the door by his partner M and their two dogs. Once again I am amazed by the generousity of random strangers placed in my life on a daily basis. R and M graciously opened their home to me and their dogs even, have just loved me since I arrived, as only dogs can do :)

For everyone reading, thank you for your encouragement and support. As I continue biking and traveling down the coast I am repeatedly blessed by the hospitality and generousity of people I come in contact with. Some I have known and others I have just met. There are a lot of good people who are willing to help others. I do not have a lot to offer right now except my energy to continue biking and kind words to people I meet along the way. I hope that as you read about my experiences, you will be encouraged as well. I've mentioned it in earlier posts and I still believe that this trip is very much a team effort. My health and safety so far has been a result of your prayers and God's grace through the people He has put me in contact with.

1 comment:

  1. glad your meeting kind & people and I know they are blessed to meet you! Luv ya nephew:O)
    LoL I spelled generous as grenous and spell check change it to gangrenous...
