Happy Canada Day!

July 1, 2012
It has been almost a week since I finally set out on my bike. Biking has been exciting, tiring, humbling, and a little discouraging at times. The first couple of days were really rainy and pretty chilly. I knew it would be cooler up near the Gaspe peninsula but I was surprised at how cold the temperatures get, especially in the rain. So far my muscles feel really good and prepared but I have been having some pain in my left knee. I ended up spending a couple days in a hostel for fear of injuring myself right at the start of my trip. I decided to continue on and be sensitive to how my body is feeling. My knee is still sore but has not gotten any worse over the last couple days so I'm going to keep riding. Quebec is a beautiful place. Even though I've been biking in the rain, I have enjoyed the scenery and the people here. It is different to be in a French speaking place. I would have benefited from learning a bit more French before coming here :).

I've seen a lot of whales along the coast including belugas, finwhales, and some dolphin-looking things. My favorite so far has been the big birds that all dive into the water at the same time to catch fish. I've seen birds do this before but not on such a large scale. It's like hundreds of stars falling out of the sky all at once. I can only imagine how amazing it must look in the water! Whales are cool but I was much more entertained by the birds.

Today I arrived in Campbellton and watched fireworks in honor of Canada Day. The lights are cool but I really enjoyed the thundering booms that echoed across the water. There has been thunder the last few days. I've heard thunder a couple times in Anchorage, but nothing this loud. It is a very powerful thing to be in the presence of a thunderstorm on a bicycle. God must love making thunder...I know I would :)

On my rides I have been listening to The Hobbit on tape. I've read the book before but it is fun to listen to it. The narrator does a great job with the voices of the dwarves. I can relate to the character of Bilbo Baggins as he is also setting out on a great adventure and journey. Plus, listening to the audiobook helps drown out the noise of passing cars which can become irritating rather quickly. When I'm biking in Anchorage and people honk it's usually because they are upset or they wave at me with their finger. Here however, I probably get 8-10 people a day who wave to be friendly. I probably look like I need the encouragement with my loaded bike. Whatever the reason it is a good boost. I've even had some honk "tunes" like the "secret door knock". You know the one?

Well I'm heading to bed now. Hopefully I will be on Prince Edward Island in 3 or 4 days. Probably 4 :)

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