Independence Day

For all my fellow Americans reading my blog... Happy Fourth of July!! I`m writing this a day late, but as you know, life on the road makes computer access a little intermittent. I hope everyone had a nice time celebrating America`s independence yesterday. I enjoyed another day on the road. It was a beautiful day cycling from Richibucto, New Brunswick to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. I had a good nights sleep and a light breeze to my back.

In light of this special day, I spent a good portion of the day thinking about what it means to live a life of freedom. There are people all over the world and right here in the United States who are not living lives of independence. A large contributor to this is the human trafficking industry happening at large worldwide. It`s extremely sad to think about people, often kids, being exploited and put in unimaginable circumstances so someone else can make a profit. The first couple days of my bike trip were tough and I'm sure they will not be the last. One particular day cycling in the wet and cold and enduring pain in my knees, I had doubts of whether this whole trip was such a great idea. I had to keep reminding myself of the real reason behind the Justice Ride. While Americans celebrate our Independence Day and I see new places and experience new things from the seat of my bicycle, we need to remember those in our not-so-large-world who are not as fortunate. Personally, my heart goes out to the women and children who are being sexually exploited and trafficked. I believe this is one of the greatest injustices against humankind. Whatever difficulties I face during this cycling trip, I still have so much to be thankful for. I have friends and family who are fully supporting me and encouraging me along the way. I also experience the kindness of strangers who have opened their homes to me and offered words of encouragement and wishes for my safety and health as I continue on. I`m asking now that as you read this blog and continue to support and encourage me, please do not forget about the people I am cycling for. This trip is a team effort. I am merely supplying some leg power. There is so much yet to be done to show those around the world that we are aware of their sufferings and we are willing to help.
"If to be feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow-creatures is to be a fanatic, I am one of the most incurable fanatics ever permitted to be at large."

-William Wilberforce

1 comment:

  1. hah I can just comment as anonymous... duh
    Agree with you. Glad you reminded me to think about your purpose for this this trip.... I was concentrating on my nephew on an exciting adventure and of course my ever present hen mode "is he safe?" Instead of the retort "it's a free country" when someone apologizes regarding some choice they have made I say "it's a semi-free country". Glad to have a fanatical nephew...aunt judith check your FB in box when you can I have some important info on a possible place to stay it your close by them.
