July 7, 2012

Time seems to fly by when you spend all day pedaling. I had no idea it's been about a week since my last blog.

First of all, I want to thank all of you who have been praying about my knee. The pain has gone away and it is feeling much better! Also, I think my bike seat has finally been broken in! It's been feeling much more comfortable these last few days. Note to self...when using a leather seat make sure to break it in before you head out on a long ride :)

I am currently still in New Brunswick, but just outside of Maine. I should be there easily by tomorrow. I have really enjoyed my time in New Brunswick and have found the people here to be really friendly and hospitable. Passing through Bathurst, I met a wonderful couple who took me into their home and gave me a bed and food. Thank you R and R!

I spent a couple days on Prince Edward Island visiting some good friends. It is a beautiful island and the people are very friendly there. From PEI, I made a route change and decided to bike down to Halifax and catch a ferry from Digby back to Saint John, New Brunswick. The trip would take me about twice as long as my original route. It took me 2 days to bike from PEI to Halifax and on the way I put in my longest day of this trip...120 miles. It was a great day for biking but I was definitely pretty tired when I rolled into town. Lukily I had made a last minute attempt at finding a place to sleep by way of couchsurfing.com and could not have asked for a better place to stay. L got my last minute plea and responded right away. He made me a wonderful dinner and breakfast. Although my visit with L and his partner C was short, I feel like we became fast friends and I look forward to seeing them again somewhere down the road.

After Halifax it took 2 days to get to Digby where again I was blessed by a generous stranger. I was in town looking for a public shower when I bumped into sweet A. She almost immediatley asked where I was staying that night and when I told her I didn't know she invited me to stay at her home. Once again, I was grateful for her hospitality and home cooked food. Even her dog was friendly and slept next to me all night :)

Tonight I'm tenting again. It's a nice spot on the beach. Just before coming out here to set up camp I had 2 tasty cheeseburgers and met a couple of very friendly people at a little burger/fish joint by the beach. Stopping here for the night was not really in my plans but I've been learning God often has a different plan than my own. He has put me in contact with some wonderful people so far. I trust He will continue to do so as I head back into the United States and make my way down to Florida. Thanks again everyone for your prayers, support and encouragement!

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