I made it back to the US! I'm in Maine now. At my last camp spot I changed my route once again and entered Maine in Lubec. There I met another great couple D and J who let me tent in their back yard. We had a nice time chatting over dinner. In the morning I took off for Franklin where I am taking my rest day at M's house. M has been very hospitable. Last night we had a great sushi dinner which was perfect after a good days ride. It's nice to have a rest from biking and enjoy some good company. My next big stop will be in Boston. I could possibly make it there in 2 days if I put in 2 long days. We'll see what the weather is like and how the day goes tomorrow. Yesterday was the hottest day I've had so far! I think it was in the low 90s. The heat wasn't too bad actually, but my biggest concern is getting sunburned. I'm getting some pretty extreme tan lines already :)

My bike is working really well so far. My chain broke just a couple days into my ride but I fixed it up and haven't had any problems since. I can definitely tell that my rear tire is wearing quickly. The tread wears fast with so many hours on the road and so much weight.

I watched some of the Tour de France today. It's really impressive to see those guys ride! The leader in todays race was averaging 30-35 mph! That is super fast. I average about 12 mph right now with my 100lbs bike :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Home:o) Hey Boston is where where Mike Shackelford works (I think). That is one bad burn there man youch!!! I wore really light colored T shirts on my trip and I got tan back except for the you what lines... when I got to Minnesota my Mom was aghast & thought I had been biking in my underwear... LOL
    How much do you weigh Adam. Be sure to check your tires every morning for flats before you take off for the day... that's what my Dad told me when I was halfway through the trip... Yum Sushi. Yep hope you take some pictures of your chicken leg thighs... but avoid speedos is my advice. Other sage advice from my Dad, drink a lot of water. love ya Adam! - aunt judith
